Notices - 2017
Queen Margaret's Burns Night Supper and Ceilidh
published on 18th Dec 2017
We invite you to join us for a QM Burns Night Supper & Ceilidh on Thursday 25 January...
We will start our celebrations with welcome drinks from 18:45 and a chance to chat with other guests prior to sitting down for supper in St Margaret's Chapel at 19:15.
The QM Catering Team will be pulling out all the stops to serve a delicious four course Burns Supper with the traditional dishes of Cullen Skink, Haggis, Neeps & Tatties, Aberdeen Angus and Cranachan. We will of course honour the tradition of 'addressing the haggis' and toasting with a wee dram of whisky. After tea and coffee have been served the Aluinn Ceilidh band will strike up and encourage everyone to take to the dance floor. It doesn't matter if you don't know your Gay Gordons from your Flying Scotsman, help will be on hand - enthusiasm is more important than dancing expertise!
The evening is expected to finish around 22:30. Tickets for the event are £35 and this includes all drinks, including wine with the meal and the entertainment. Proceeds from the evening will go to the QM Bursary Fund.
Parents, families and friends of QM are all welcome to attend. To book your tickets please email
Waste and recycling collections over Christmas
published on 6th Dec 2017
Recycling box collections due on Monday 25 December will be brought forward to Saturday 23 December.
Waste bin collections due on New Year’s Day (Monday 1 January) will take place on Saturday 6 January.
Residents will be provided with an additional red refuse sack for their additional waste as they will go five additional days between collections. The red sacks are 90 litres in capacity which is almost half the capacity of a standard wheelie bin.
In order to focus attention on collecting wrapping paper, present packaging, glass and tins, foil and all household plastics (apart from thin film), the Council will once again be suspending green waste collections from Monday 18 December, with collections restarting the week beginning Monday 15 January.
North Yorkshire Streetlighting changes
published on 1st Dec 2017
North Yorkshire County Council will soon commence a programme of replacing their streetlights in the Selby District (including Escrick) with new LED lights.
Low water pressure / no water - 12th Nov
published on 12th Nov 2017
Yorkshire water are aware of the lack of water supply / low pressure to parts of the village, and are working to restore supplies.
Damaged verge
published on 9th Nov 2017
The damaged verge on the A19 opposite the church has been reported and scheduled for repair.
Remembrance Sunday
published on 5th Nov 2017

Sunday 12th November - Remembrance Sunday
Escrick Church
10.45am : Family Act of Remembrance
Led By Rev Richard Kirkman
6.30pm – Taize Service for Peace
Led By Rev Karen Gardiner
Quiet Reflection … with words, music and meditation

Parish Magazine update - November 2017
published on 1st Nov 2017
The following appeared in November's Parish Magazine
Escrick Parish Council
Parish Councillor vacancy: We still have a vacancy for a Parish Councillor - if you are interested, or would like to learn more about the role, please contact the Chair or Clerk (details below).
Quarry proposal: The Parish Council accepted an invite to visit Plasmor’s existing quarry at Hemingbrough to understand more about their plans for the proposed site west of the A19. The visit was helpful to understand the plans, but key concerns regarding traffic, and the risk of the site being used for landfill, remain. Plasmor advise that an application for planning permission is likely to be submitted in late in 2018, albeit some Councillors believe it may be sooner.
Grass cutting: The PC are seeking suppliers to undertake grass cutting of the village green, playing fields and verges - any potential suppliers are requested to contact for an information pack.
Local plans: Both York and Selby councils are consulting on their local plans. The latest version of the York plan has limited impact upon Escrick (having removed sites previously included adjacent to the village). The Selby plan includes potential housing sites in Escrick, but these may not be required due to a surplus of suitable sites. The planning working group will develop a response to the Selby consultation.
Carr Lane parking: Following complaints about dangerous parking on Carr Lane associated with school pick-up/drop-off, the police have confirmed that they will take enforcement action (fines of up to £1000, and 3 penalty points). They have written to all parents at the school and have been undertaking a mix of uniformed and plain-clothed visits.
Drains/sewage: Yorkshire water advise that fat blockages and a failed pumped were the cause of recent sewage leaks. They advise that the problem has been resolved and that they will be undertaking regular inspections to try to prevent a reoccurrence.
Village maintenance: The PC is coordinating an “Autumn Clean” on Saturday 11th November in the afternoon. See separate notice.
Parish Council meeting dates: Monday 6th November, 4th December, 8th January, 5th February. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome.
Contact: Chair (Richard Rowson),; Clerk (Helen Guest),; Website:
Playing Fields AGM - Date correction
published on 31st Oct 2017
The Playing Fields Association AGM takes place at 8.30pm on MONDAY 13th NOVEMBER at Escrick & Deighton Club.
(not Monday 9th November as incorrectly posted in the Parish Magazine)
The AGM is a good opportunity to find out more and to get involved with the playing fields association, which raises funds for, and manages the village playing fields and play area. It would be really good to have some new volunteers to help this worthwhile cause.
Taxis, Private Hire Vehicles and Your Safety
published on 25th Oct 2017
Please see attached leaflet from the licencing manager at Selby:

Grass cutting tender
published on 20th Oct 2017
Escrick Parish Council is seeking quotes from suppliers for grass cutting of the village green, playing fields and verges, from the 2018 season onwards.
Any potential suppliers are requested to contact for an information pack.
Deadline for tenders is 30th November 2017.
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