Budget 2020
The Parish Council has resolved to keep the precept level for 2020/21 unchanged for the 3rd year, at £19,000.
Nearly £15,000 of this is on largely non-discretionary items, including insurance, grass cutting (verges, playing fields, village green), the Clerk's salary/expenses, loan repayments, and electricity for street-lighting.
Of the remaining £4000, this has been provisionally allocated to:
- £500 for general village maintenance: This is not specifically allocated, but recent years have included items such as tree maintenance, purchase of an additional dog waste bin, street light repairs and cleaning of the war memorial - and therefore a maintenance budget is considered appropriate.
- £3,500 to be allocated to initiatives during the course of the year.
Residents may be aware that the Parish Council had consulted on increasing the Parish Council precept to fund a pedestrian crossing and traffic light scheme at the A19 / Skipwith Road junction. At the time of setting the budget these plans were not sufficiently advanced to give Councillors confidence that repayments would commence within the year 2020/21. If/when the scheme goes ahead, the payment/loan schedule will be designed such that the first repayments are not due until the year 2021/22.

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